User wants a SSRS Chart report which will display the Product Category wise
Sales in the initial view. On clicking of the bar chart, the report should
display the Product wise Sales of that selected Category.
We can enable this drill through
action in a single RDL as given below.
Note : I haven't given the SSRS chart creation steps detaisl by considering that the reader knows how to create SSRS Chart reports.
To implement the above said requirement, we can do some tweaks in the SQL query if the report data
set and achieve the same.
The given
below sample query can be used in the data set, which will return the Category
wise sales if the in parameter (@ProdCategory)
value is not available in the Category table.
if exists(
select 'x' from
dbo.Dim_Category where
select ProductName as Item ,SalesAmt as
Sales_Amt from dbo.Dim_Category
where Category=@ProdCategory
select Category as Item,sum(SalesAmt) Sales_Amt from dbo.Dim_Category
group by
Follow the
given below steps:
-In the above
created Dataset, @ProdCategory is parameter
and its default value is 'a' initially.
-Create a
Chart report and drag the field Item in to the category field and Sales_Amt
into the Data field of the chart.
-In the Action pane write an expression to Go
to this same report in the Chart series
-Pass the Field
‘Item’ as a parameter to the report
-On clicking
on the Category that Category will be taken as a new parameter. And new result
set for the selected Category (Products under the selected Category) will be
produced in the same report.
-Now, when
the report initially gets opened, the default parameter will be passed to the
data set and the value will not be available in the Dim_category table, and the
report will generate Category wise Sales Amount in the Chart.
-If the user
clicks on the Category series, then the selected Category will be passed as an
in parameter to eth data set and the selected categories Products will be
returned by the data set and the chart will provide the Product wise Sales
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