
Saturday, February 4, 2012

To Find Duplicate Rows using Common Table Expressions and perform DML operations

Handling the Duplicates using CTE and Row_Number()  - (ie, To Delete or Update the Duplicates from SQL server Tables Using CTE, Row_Number() ) 

            Just to select the duplicate rows from a table, we can use the following kind of simple query. The below mentioned query will return duplicated rows based on the Product_Id :
SELECT Product_id,
      COUNT(Product_id) AS NumOccurrences
FROM InventoryDetail
      GROUP BY Product_id
      HAVING ( COUNT(Product_id) > 1 )

If you want to Delete or Update the duplicate, we can use the following sample which will use the CTE (Common Table Expression) , Row_Number function and the MDL statement (Delete/ Update).
WITH CTE (Product_id,Time_Id, DuplicateCount)
      SELECT Product_id,Time_Id,
                  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY Product_id,Time_Id ORDER BY Product_id) AS DuplicateCount
      FROM InventoryDetail

      FROM CTE
WHERE DuplicateCount > 1